make your own work-life harmony

Book your art class today.

craft shou.jpg

is an online marketplace for
art and crafts studios.

Through creating art and crafts, we can improve concentration, evoke creativity and achieve mindfulness to attain work-life longevity.

Why is it spelled SHOU?

SHOU stands for self-made harmony, onwards and upwards. SHOU means longevity in mandarin.


How does it work?


1. Create profile

Become a member of the Craftshou community

2. Sign up for classes

Find classes that conveniently fit your schedule

3. Create a masterpiece

Learn from top instructors from your city to bring your ideas to life

Get involved


Art studio?

Learn how you can join us in creating the next generation of artisans and crafters. Post your classes online and fill your available seats with the most inspired and motivated students.

Aspiring artist?

Stay up-to-date with the latest news and be apart of the first class of students at Craftshou.